The comforting delusion that our eyes are sharpened to all different needs and perspectives enables us to avoid many of the existential issues of our time.  
The diversity and reductive glimpses these portraits give into these five lives reveal more questions than answers: Who is looking at you? What shaped this person? What does the gender of this person mean to them and to you? What relationships does that person live in? What does that person need from you and from society?
What has this person given to the world and what will they give?
The people portrayed openly look at you and at the empty space next to them.
Who is missing? Whose perspective is missing?
Exhibited at the FATart Fair 2021 and Irritation - Preview in Berlin in July 2022.
Valentina (she/her), 2017 lambda print 42x28cm (1 of 1)
Luli (he, she, they), 2020, lambda print 42x28cm (1 of 1)
Ed (they/them), 2021, lambda print 42x28cm (1 of 1)
Polja (she/her), 2018, lambda print 42x28cm (1 of 1)
Lovis (they/them), 2020, lambda print 42x28cm (1 of 1)

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